Just keep posting…

Well, time for an update. Past time, in fact. I haven’t blogged in about three weeks. There are some valid reasons — Fig was sick, then I was sick, then I had to work in the evening. But really, I just haven’t felt like it. I haven’t had much to say. I’m still on track…

Coloring things

I haven’t worked on any new Things over the past week. I’m still writing the three pages a day. I seem to be missing one day a week, which isn’t too bad. So I’m still counting it as a Thing in progress. Besides, I said I’d do it for 30 days, I didn’t say 30…

Spring Cleaning

Over the weekend, I cleaned out my closet. I gained a lot of weight after Ramona was born. (I’m blaming the new medication for it. Combined with a lack of time to exercise.) So a lot of my clothes just didn’t fit anymore. It was depressing to walk into the closet and see hangers upon hangers…

The Morning Pages Thing

Several years ago, I read — ok, I skimmed — The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. In it, she proposes a creativity-building exercise of writing three pages in longhand immediately upon waking. She calls it “The Morning Pages.” I thought it sounded intriguing, but I am the least morning person you will ever meet. If I…