Catching up

Ok, y’all. I’m back after six months of not posting. I have to admit that I have not been doing much Thing-ing this year. I have read a couple of books for Read or Rid, but mostly, I’ve been reading very trashy romance novels that I checked out on the library’s Overdrive App. (And I’m…

A Reader’s Confession

The Read or Rid Thing is about more than just addressing my compulsive book-buying. It’s about accepting who I am and who I am not and letting go of some idealized, intellectualized image. Damn, that seems like a lot of pressure for some books on a shelf. But I spent my adult life curating my…

More progress on the two biggest Things

In the last two weeks, I have made some more progress on the two biggest Things: the Cookbook Thing and the Read or Rid Thing. It had been a while since I’d done any cooking from the Smitten Kitchen book so I was glad to get back to it. First, I made Broccoli Slaw for…

I did another Thing!

I finally did it! I dyed some of my hair purple! I made it a Thing because it’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but even when I was more adventurous with my hair, I never did a straight up purple or blue color. It was always mixed in with whatever auburn or black I…

A new hobby

You guys, I found a new hobby. It’s a creative outlet. And, no, it’s not one of the Things. But it will help me plan and organize my life and do the Things so I think it still isn’t too much of a distraction from the Things. Besides, the Forty-Two Things are not the boss of…

The Book Club Thing

I am really struggling with what to write about this week. Truth be told, I am in the midst of the worst depression I’ve experienced in 14 years. It’s really bad, you guys. I don’t even have words to talk about it. And current political actions aren’t doing anything to decrease my feelings of dread…

Just keep posting…

Well, time for an update. Past time, in fact. I haven’t blogged in about three weeks. There are some valid reasons — Fig was sick, then I was sick, then I had to work in the evening. But really, I just haven’t felt like it. I haven’t had much to say. I’m still on track…

Spring Cleaning

Over the weekend, I cleaned out my closet. I gained a lot of weight after Ramona was born. (I’m blaming the new medication for it. Combined with a lack of time to exercise.) So a lot of my clothes just didn’t fit anymore. It was depressing to walk into the closet and see hangers upon hangers…